Saturday, February 14, 2009

C1M Academy Launches

A while ago, when teaching photography or Photoshop, we started to refer to the classes as C1M Academy. Up until now, the classes were for professional photographers only.
C1M Academy launched a new web site under the domain of to bring photography classes, workshops and seminars to photography enthusiasts in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and New England in general.
C1M Academy offers 9 classes for photography enthusiasts from beginner to expert and can take you from the first workshop: "Getting to Know Your Camera" all the way to "Advanced Image Manipulation Techniques". The photography workshops are usually on a Saturday from 10:00 AM to about 4:30 PM and are held at the C1M Studio in Milford, NH. The class schedule can be found on the web site. 
In addition to the classes, workshops and seminars for photographers and photography enthusiasts, C1M Academy also offers workshops for professional photographers interested in expanding their professional portfolio. Details are on the web site.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

To all my Valentines, a happy Valentine's Day.
You know who you are.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Author, Teacher and Life Coach Gail Jones

Author, Teacher and Life Coach Gail Jones was looking to update her photographs for her web site. On a very snowy Tuesday, we met at her Studio for Crafting Lives and shot some images. Some are portraits, but most were of an interactive nature. In spite of the bad weather outside, we got everything done within half a day.

Here is what Gail had to say about the photo-shoot:
A special thanks to photographer Walter Schnecker, who with exquisite care and collaborative joy is helping update my marketing images to reflect outwardly so much of the internal work that went into building my business these past seven years. Walter's warmth, expertise and intuitive skills made what could have been an exhaustive photo shoot a delightful, creative experience.