Monday, February 28, 2011

Kate Elizabeth ...

Precious and cute, newly born Kate Elizabeth graced us with her presence in the studio. We always appreciate being part of the welcoming team, greeting new arrivals on our planet.
Thank you for bringing her by for her first play date in the studio,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Sulmonetti family sneak peek ...

What a fun family to work with. Everyone was so nice and laid back.
Thank you guys for trusting me with your family portrait.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Professional photographers gather to expand their portfolios with stunning fashion photos.

First C1M Photography Fashion Model Palooza was a total success.
At an all day catered event professional photographers came together to photograph strikingly beautiful models on sophisticated fashion photography sets. The photographers gathered to shoot stunning high-end images that featured professional hair and makeup with coordinated wardrobe and professionally arranged sets. The event took place on Saturday, Feb. 5th, at C1M Photography studios in Milford, NH.
7 stunning models, 24 sandwiches, 4 professional hair and makeup artists, 1 gallon strawberry mimosas, 9 photographers, 2 video camera operators, 5 cans of hair-spray, 900 cubic inches of greek salad, 2 tubs foundation, 7 makeup kits, several GB of video, 3 tubs of salad dressing, 6,400 Watts of lighting, 12 cameras, tons of beauty, 2 high-end fashion photography sets, were needed to yield a successful first time ever C1M Fashion Model Palooza.

Weep if you missed it!
Or better yet, make sure you catch the next one.